VOĽNE STOJACI KRB Birch tree 160VOĽNE STOJACI KRB Birch tree 16020% OFF60 dní€ 4 598.15 € 5 747.69 Biofireplace GIOVE 1Biofireplace GIOVE 1Dimensions: 140x120x50cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Protective glass: Yes60 days€ 3 401.98 Biofireplace GIOVE 2Biofireplace GIOVE 2Dimensions: 240x120x50cm (WxHxD) Burner: 2 pcs VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Protective glass: Yes60 days€ 5 103.48 Biofireplace GIOVE 3Biofireplace GIOVE 3Dimensions: 340x120x50cm (WxHxD) Burner: 3 pcs VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Protective glass: Yes60 days€ 6 803.95 DOVER 1 WOODDOVER 1 WOODDimensions: 115.4x185x73.7cm (WxHxD) Material: Wood + insert steel in combination with stainless steel Color: Wood-veneer 0003 / possibility to choose wood from60 days€ 2 752.13 DOVER 2 WOODDOVER 2 WOODDimensions: 96.8x190.1x45cm (WxHxD) Material: Wood + insert steel in combination with stainless steel Color: Wood-veneer 0003 / possibility to choose wood from60 days€ 2 598.38 DOVER 3 WOODDOVER 3 WOODDimensions: 115.4x111x73.7cm (WxHxD) Material: Wood + insert steel in combination with stainless steel Color: Wood-veneer 0003 / possibility to choose wood from60 days€ 2 485.63 DOVER 4 WOODDOVER 4 WOODDimensions: 96.8x116x45cm (WxHxD) Material: Wood + insert steel in combination with stainless steel Color: Wood-veneer 0003 / possibility to choose wood fromin stock 1 pcs€ 2 359.55 TRITONE 1 WOODTRITONE 1 WOODDimensions: 141.4x197.6x84.8cm (WxHxD) Material: Imitation of split stone + wood + steel insert in combination with stainless steel Color: As in the picture Burner:60 days€ 4 214.80 TRITONE 2 WOODTRITONE 2 WOODDimensions: 141.4x107.7x84.8cm (WxHxD) Material: Imitation of split stone + wood + steel insert in combination with stainless steel Color: As in the picture Burner:60 days€ 3 845.80 TRITONE 3 WOODTRITONE 3 WOODDimensions: 114x196,9x49cm (WxHxD) Material: Imitation of split stone + wood + steel insert in combination with stainless steel Color: As in the picture Burner: 160 days€ 4 076.43 TRITONE 4 WOODTRITONE 4 WOODDimensions: 114x106x49cm (WxHxD) Material: Imitation of split stone + wood + steel insert in combination with stainless steel Color: As in the picture Burner: 1 pc,in stock 1 pcs€ 3 813.00 TRITONE LIGHTTRITONE LIGHTDimensions: 114x106x49cm (WxHxD) Material: Imitation of split stone + wood + MDF + light insert Color: As in the picture Burner: 1 pc, with built-in60 days€ 2 552.25 KRAKOV 2KRAKOV 2Dimensions: 125x210x40cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror:60 days€ 2 976.60 BRISTOL WOODBRISTOL WOODDimensions: 109,6x96,4x38,6cm (WxHxD) Material: Wood + insert steel in combination with stainless steel Color: Wood-veneer 1299M / possibility to choose wood from60 days€ 1 941.35 BRISTOL WOOD LIGHTBRISTOL WOOD LIGHTDimensions: 109,6x96,4x38,6cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 34, with built-in regulation60 days€ 1 331.48 CALVADOS 1 WOODCALVADOS 1 WOODDimensions: 86.2x86.8x33cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: Yes3-90 days€ 1 199.92 CALVADOS 2 WOODCALVADOS 2 WOODDimensions: 104.1x86.8x65.2cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: Yes60 days€ 1 424.75 CALVADOS LIGHT 1CALVADOS LIGHT 1Dimensions: 86.2x86.8x33cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 34, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: No.3-90 days€ 870.23 CALVADOS LIGHT 2CALVADOS LIGHT 2Dimensions: 86.2x86.8x33cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 34, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: No.3-90 days€ 870.23 ASHLEY WOODASHLEY WOODDimensions: 110x95x35cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: Yes3-90 days€ 1 831.68 ASHLEY WOOD LIGHTASHLEY WOOD LIGHTDimensions: 110x95x35cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 34, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: No.3-90 days€ 1 126.48 CASTELLO WOODCASTELLO WOODDimensions: 92.4x94.6x35.3cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 30, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: Yes60 days€ 2 322.65 CASTELLO WOOD LIGHTCASTELLO WOOD LIGHTDimensions: 92.4x94.6x35.3cm (WxHxD) Burner: 1pc VENETO 34, with built-in regulation Stainless steel mirror: No.60 days€ 1 710.73